Telemor Cinema » Bioskop
Kong: Skull Island (2017) Kong: Skull Island (2017)
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Kong: Skull Island (2017)
IMDb 6.7 Sientista ekipa ida esplora illa pasifiku deskonesidu ida, espekula ba rejiaun Kin Kong nian, no ten...
Wonder Woman (2017) Wonder Woman (2017)
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Wonder Woman (2017)
IMDb 7.6 Bainhira Pilotu ida hetan soke no konta istoria konflitu mundu esterior, Diana, funu nain Amazonia i...
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2018) Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2018)
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Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2018)
IMDb 8.7 Tinan rihun ida liu ba, labarik mane ida ne'ebe mehi atu sai luta na'in makas, hetan naok hamutuk ho...
They Remain (2018) They Remain (2018)
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They Remain (2018)
IMDb 4.2 Siensiesta nain rua ne'ebe fahe istoria romantiku buka halo animal nia hahalok ne'ebe la natural iha...
Olafs Frozen Adventure (2017) Olafs Frozen Adventure (2017)
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Olafs Frozen Adventure (2017)
IMDb 4.8 Olaf ekipa ida hamutuk ho Sven iha misaun alegria ho karakteristica 21 minutos iha Walt Disney Anima...
The Gateway (2018) The Gateway (2018)
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The Gateway (2018)
IMDb 5.7 Matenek nain fizika partikulas ida ne’ebe triste, tamba lakon nia laen iha dezastre kareta ba iha ...
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017) Same Kind of Different as Me (2017)
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Same Kind of Different as Me (2017)
IMDb 6.3 Negosiador arte internasional Ron Hall tenke kolega ho ema perigu ida atu salva nia kaben ne'ebe def...
Everest (2015) Everest (2015)
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Everest (2015)
IMDb 7.1 Estoria Robert “Rob” Edwin Hall husi Nova Zelandia, nebe mak iha loron 10 fulan Maiu 1996, hamutuk h...
A Quiet Place (2018) A Quiet Place (2018)
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A Quiet Place (2018)
IMDb 7.8 Iha mundu pasca-apokaliptika, familia obriga an atu moris iha mesak laran ho subar husi monster ho r...